domingo, 30 de novembro de 2014

Let's vote!

Hey, how about giving a helping hand to a friend or colleague?
If you wanna help me have a little extra for the holidays,  but still having time to take a break, please vote for me to get this summer job!

It takes less than 5 seconds of your life.

If possible, share this with others who are as awesome as you!!

Vote for me! / Vote em mim!

Game: Composite sketch!

This is a fun game to practice giving directions, prepositions or any vocabulary set you want. The teacher selects a pair of students for each turn, one player is given a picture that should be described to the other player, so he can draw it without knowing what is it. The players score a point if the player who is drawing can guess the image that he has drawn. If players are guessing too quickly, there's a twist you can add: blind fold the player who is drawing, so he has to guess an even more confusing picture.

segunda-feira, 29 de setembro de 2014

Jeopardy - Review time!

A good way to review the course content is to play quiz games. One that I really like is Jeopardy. With this game students choose the cathegory and the "difficulty" of the question. To make sure all students are exercising the same knowledge, ask all of them to complete the task chosen by the "contestant" they can all win points if they answer correctly on a piece of paper, if you don't have boards for everybody.

segunda-feira, 15 de setembro de 2014

Mind Maps

Mind maps are great to explore vocabulary, grammar rules and review students' previous learning. There's a good website where you can create and edit mind maps among other resources called But a good way to study is to build an old-fashioned one with your students, specially when we are talking about kids. Take a look at some incredible mind maps ideas searching the internet.

sábado, 13 de setembro de 2014

Silent Movie

This is an instigating activity. You simply have to choose a video that has some clues for students (body language, articulated characters, scenario, face expressions, etc). You can play it a first time without the audio and ask students to guess the content of the video, the topic of the conversation, the narrative of the story, basically any information from the chosen video. To make it easier, you can give students options of topics and they have to check the ones that appear on the video.
The opposite activity can also be done: play only the audio and ask students to identify the scenario, the characters, again, anything that seems relevant in the video.